Wednesday 6 October 2010

Research Film Posters

In this lesson I have decided to research Film posters for existing teenage movies. Firstly, I had to think of 3 movies with appropriate posters to post to my blog. Once I thought about the 3 films to research, i had to think about how the teenager is presented, how the image is used on the film poster and what comments i have about the layout and design.

'Juno' is a typical teenage movie about a girl of 16 who become pregnant. This poster includes 2 teenagers, a male and female. The presentation of these 2 teenagers are quite obvious, the male looks clueless and lost whereas the female looks dominant and sophisticated. The stereotypical view on this film is about the pregnant girl. this is becasue there is an increase of teenage mothers in modern day life.

This a great example of a teenage film. The title poster says it all. In this poster the teenager shown is to be a popular, good looking, Fashionable and confident teenager. In this poster the only picture shown in the teenager. This could tell the viewer that the whole film is based around this teenager. My comments about this poster is that it is very simple but very clear. The tagline in this film is shown at the very top of the poster, it says 'who says you are only young once?'.

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