Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Planning and Research


My first piece of research to begin my media course work was to think of a name for my school/collage magazine.
I have researched many school/collage magazines online and have gathered a numerous amount of ideas for my magazine title,They include:

I consulted my fellow colleages from my media group and diffrent classes to help me vote on a title. They were most persuaded on the titles 'Impact' and 'A-star'. I had a brain storm and thought that maybe presenting the 'A-Star' as 'A*' on the actual magazine. However,  'A-Star' has 2 meanings. 'A-Star' as in the grade and also the actual student as an 'A' star student. 

The conclusion I came to on deciding what title to choose was 'A-Star' for the reason that I can imagine it as a great cover for the magazine. However, i am still in the process of choosing how to present it.  

As you can see by the bar chart, it shows that 'Inspiration' recived the most votes. This is due to the fact that the students [voters] thought that this word is very insipiring as for a school magazine. 

However, I have not decided to go with the student vote and have gone with my gut feeling with 'A-Star'. This is because personaly, i find it more attractive as a magazine title than any of the other choices.